public BOMA floors / buildings /prison floors / detention area floors / jail cell floors

Building inherent safety is important. from public buildings to prisons / jails!

Civil infrastructure cannot fail. There is no downtime, and must last “forever”. Maintenance dollars once BOMA / Public Infrastructure is built are minimal. Failure of floors can cause injury to the public and employees.

Patrons cannot slip and fall. In other applications, the floor and must remain attached to prevent sharp materials from being used as a weapon against occupants and security / police employees.

We can quickly protect and prevent against such failure as part of initial construction or in a renovation of existing.

On the BOMA side, our work at the Calgary Zoo Penguin Exhibit is a testament to minimize the risk of slips and falls both indoors and as you enter.

Providing permanent “Visual Factory” markings on concrete or asphalt, like “KEEP CLEAR” or “YELLOW” or “GREEN” safety flooring helps minimize slips and falls, and keeps people from entering into unsafe areas.

Here are some security - related services we can provide long term solutions:

  • Mental Hospital Floor and Cove

  • Prison Cell Floor and Cove

  • Holding Cell Floor and Cove

  • Structural repairs

  • Shower floors

  • Washroom floor and cove

  • Transportation (Loading docks, stairs)

  • Steps / Stairs